Friday, April 2, 2010

Journal #7 (NETS III)

In this journal i learned about Virtual Field trips which incorporates to NETS III when you model and facilitate use of emerging resources to support research and learning.  This journal models digital learning in a new and different way.

The Beginner's guide to Interactive Virtual Fieldtrips
by: Jan Zanetis

With the world we live in today, our economy is sadly in a downfall. I remember when i was younger field trips happened a couple times a year with no problem. Today the students are lucky if they get ONE field trip a year. Field trips are meant to be fun, they take learning to a different level that takes place outside of the classroom. With this new idea, fieldtrips can be taken inside the classroom, but have the same effect of an actual field trip. All that is really needed for this not-so-costly fieldtrip is a h.323 system and videoconfrencing equipment called a codec. Something exciting about this equipment is that most schools already have the equipment, it's just used for otehr things. Fieldtrips to informational places like museums and historic places can be easily visited through this new virtual fieldtrip. Similar to skype, the students can interact with the "tourguide" at the museum and ask questions and get the same experience as they would if they were actually there, just without the stress of the teacher making sure the students don't brake anything or that there are enough chapperones. We live in a media world now, and this is just another step into the technology way of life.

Will children still find this type of fieldtrip fun?
I think that the word "fieldtrip" get kids excited, and i think that the younger children won't really know the difference if they go on a fildtrip in thier classroom or if they leave the campus. However, i think that the older students, like 5th and 6th graders, might find it less exciting to go on a fieldtrip, but not leave the room.

Is it possible to get the same experience of a fieldtrip via virtual internet compared to an actual fieldtrip?
I think that this idea sounds so interesting and it's great that it would cost so much less than an actual fieldtrip. However, i don't think that a student would get the same impact that they would if they actually visited a museum or a monument. It seems that a student might get figity after watching a "fieldtrip," similar to watching a long movie during class time. When the student walks around and is in a new enviornment they are more interested in thier surroundings.

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